Enhance your WordPress website with captivating scroll-triggered animations! This tutorial focuses on using GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) and ScrollTrigger to create dynamic effects, without delving into HTML or CSS. We’ll guide you through the process, assuming you already have your HTML structure and CSS styling in place. We’ll focus on the JavaScript/GSAP code and the class names you’ll need.
What You’ll Learn:
- How to use GSAP and ScrollTrigger for scroll-based animations.
- Setting up your GSAP code to target specific elements in WordPress.
- Creating smooth background color transitions.
- Implementing image reveal effects.
- Ensuring your animations are responsive.
Key Class Names (Make sure your HTML uses these):
: The element whose background color will change..left_content_section
: The container for each section of content..text_content
: The text content within each section..product_photo
: The image within each section.
GSAP and ScrollTrigger Code:
<script src=”https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/3.11.0/gsap.min.js”></script>
<script src=”https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/3.11.0/ScrollTrigger.min.js”></script><script>
gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); // Important: Register ScrollTriggerlet mediaAnimation = gsap.matchMedia();
mediaAnimation.add(“(min-width: 666px)”, () => {
// Desktop Animationsconst details = gsap.utils.toArray(“.left_content_section:not(:first-child)”);
const photos = gsap.utils.toArray(“.product_photo:not(:first-child)”);
const allPhotos = gsap.utils.toArray(“.product_photo”);
const colors = [“#2E4D71”, “#856546”]; // Your background colorsgsap.set(photos, { clipPath: ‘inset(100% 0% 0% 0%)’, autoAlpha: 1 }); // Initial image state
details.forEach((section, i) => {
let bgColor = colors[i + 1] || colors[0]; // Handle cases where colors array might be shorter
trigger: section,
start: “200 bottom”, // Adjust start point as needed
end: “+=100%”, // Adjust end point as needed
onToggle: self => {
if (self.isActive) {
gsap.to(“.background_color”, { backgroundColor: bgColor, duration: 0.5 }); // Smooth transition
} else if ((i === 0 && self.direction < 0) || (i === details.length – 1 && self.direction > 0)) {
gsap.to(“.background_color”, { backgroundColor: colors[0], duration: 0.5 }); // Reset to initial color
});let headline = section.querySelector(“.text_content”);
let animation = gsap.timeline()
.to(photos[i], { clipPath: ‘inset(0% 0% 0% 0%)’, autoAlpha: 1, duration: 1.5 });ScrollTrigger.create({
trigger: headline,
start: “top 80%”, // Adjust start point
end: “top 20%”, // Adjust end point
animation: animation,
scrub: true, // Makes animation tied to scrollbar
markers: false // Set to true for debugging
});mediaAnimation.add(“(max-width: 665px)”, () => {
// Mobile Animations (Similar to desktop, adjust as needed)
const details = gsap.utils.toArray(“.left_content_section:not(:first-child)”);
const colors = [“#2E4D71”, “#856546”]; // Your background colorsdetails.forEach((section, i) => {
let bgColor = colors[i + 1] || colors[0];
trigger: section,
start: “200 bottom”,
end: “+=100%”,
onToggle: self => {
if (self.isActive) {
gsap.to(“.background_color”, { backgroundColor: bgColor, duration: 0.5 });
} else if ((i === 0 && self.direction < 0) || (i === details.length – 1 && self.direction > 0)) {
gsap.to(“.background_color”, { backgroundColor: colors[0], duration: 0.5 });
Implementation Steps:
- Include GSAP and ScrollTrigger: Add the CDN links in your WordPress theme’s footer or header (depending on your theme).
- Add the JavaScript Code: Place the GSAP code within
tags in your theme’s footer or a custom JavaScript file that you enqueue. - Ensure Correct Class Names: Double-check that your HTML uses the class names specified in the code (
). - Customize: Adjust the
, and colors in the GSAP code to fine-tune the animations to your liking. Themarkers: true
option in ScrollTrigger can be very helpful for visualizing the trigger points during development.
Key Considerations:
- Responsiveness: The
function ensures the animations are adapted for different screen sizes. Adjust the media query breakpoints as needed. - Performance: For more complex animations, consider optimizing your GSAP code for performance.
- Conflicts: If you encounter conflicts with other scripts, make sure your GSAP code is loaded correctly.
This guide provides a solid foundation for creating scroll-triggered animations in WordPress. By focusing on the GSAP and ScrollTrigger code, you can quickly implement these effects without needing to write HTML or CSS from scratch. Remember to customize the code to match your specific design requirements.